You may have noticed that this the first blog to come from my little fingers in a long while. I know . . . I know . . . apologies for the absence, but life just got in the way somehow; I was busy with...

Yes, I know what you are thinking . . . It is only April and these crazy fools are talking about Eggnog, but at the Traberts’ home it is never too early to start planning for the holidays. You see, when you reside in Florida as...
Please Enjoy the Show . . . The Trabert Guide to Theatre Protocol

If you know anything about The Traberts, you know that we are devoted advocates of the Arts, because . . . “Without art, we are just stuck with reality.” - Daniel R. Lynch. Tedd and I try to support as many forms of art as possible, but we simply...
First Layer to a Perfect Table

Please say that you have read my previous post, The Dining Table: It’s Not Just a Piece of Wood with Four Legs, in which I speak about the significance of the dining table as a symbol of unity, bringing people together to engage in meaningful conversation? If not, please...

Brunch at the Trabert home – it’s our thing and we love doing it! We recently hosted 15 friends for a magical holiday brunch in our home. The tree was twinkling and spinning – (Yes, I said spinning. Tedd’s tree spins so that all the ornaments can be...

Never show up to someone’s home for dinner with wine . . . that is a gift-giving taboo! I would never insult a dinner host by presuming they don’t know how to select their own wine by showing up with my own. It is for this reason I love...

For those of you that know me well must be aware that I LOVE a good drink - gin being my poison of choice. However, I must confess, the nuances of whisky, scotch and bourbon have always eluded me - that was until the other night. In my quest to...
The Dining Table: It’s not Just a Piece of Wood with Four Legs

With the holidays approaching, thoughts of family and friends dance in my head. It also brings to mind the gathering around our dining table for feast and fanciful conversation. That’s right . . . the dining table. You know that thing that...

For a deliciously dazzling brunch sure to wow your guest and keep you out of the kitchen, Tedd suggests his perfectly planned menu listed below. (more…)

Rock n' Roll Forever It is that time a year again when all the ghouls, goblins and other mischievous creatures come out to play for one fabulously wicked Halloween evening. (more…)